Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I Lose Weight Working With You?

    if you are clinically obese or your extra weight is affecting your physical health, then you could potentially lose weight as a bi-product of participating in the programmes. Intentional weight loss is not the aim of this work however.

    Additionally, I do not work with people who want to become a size zero. Intentional weight loss for those who do not need to lose weight can do more long-term harm than good, and runs the risk of encouraging disordered eating.

    As opposed to other aesthetic and loss-focused approaches, my work concentrates on gain and health-supporting behaviours. Gaining back your life, your health, your energy, making memories, enjoying food, your body, social occasions and family time without feeling self-conscious.

    It’s about the freedom from yo-yoing on and off diets, from bingeing, from the guilt of “cheating”, and freedom from the 99% of your thought capacity being taken up by food and your body. These thoughts leave no time for you to enjoy what’s important in your life.

    This is about liberating yourself from the stringent rules and constraints that diet culture enforces, giving you permission to enjoy your life alongside food harmoniously.

    Every body is different, you will learn to trust that your body will balance out to where it needs to be to support you healthfully. This also means that those clients who need to gain weight or a clothing size can do so, but it will be in a healthy way that fully supports their unique body.

  • Do You Give Diet Plans?

    No - there is no such thing as a ‘good’ diet when it includes restrictive rules and regimes that encourage disordered behaviours. Fad diet plans come and go, promising shiny new quick fixes and inevitably falling short of providing any real health-supportive and sustainable approaches to eating. They are founded using guilt and shame tactics that focus on the aesthetics of a body, with exaggerated claims that disregard the well-documented long-term physical and mental health consequences.

    The programmes I use with my clients however will support you in enjoying a well balanced diet of all foods without the fear if gaining weight.

    My work on the other hand does not enforce stringent rules or support restriction in any way. Instead, it works to remove societal conditioning centred around aesthetics, and focuses on strengthening the person’s connection with their body and food to support them physically, mentally and emotionally.

    I work with the benefits of using unconditional permission to eat what a person truly wants when they truly want it. This can seem counterintuitive in a world where diet culture has been engrained in us, but I work with how the mind works, it has its own set of rules.

  • Are Your Programmes Science-Based? Is There Research to Back This All Up?

    Hypnotherapy is the Grandfather of psychotherapy, not the new inexperienced cousin, it is the founding mode or ‘cornerstone’ of therapy on which modern pyschotherapy grew from.

    Additionally there is an abundant and growing body of research for both modalities with over 140+ studies to date for intuitive eating in particular. It’s a weight-inclusive evidence-based tried and tested approach with a validated assessment scale These studies have shown unparalleled results in the quest for improved physical and mental health in the way we think about food/our bodies, how we eat and move, and how we feel holistically.

    There are a few key thinkers in the field, but the official approach and main principles come from Evelyn Tribole (MS, RDN, CEDRD-S) and Elsye Resch (MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAN-RD) who founded and are the authors of ‘Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach which integrates instinct, emotional and rational thought.

    You can find more information and resource recommendations in my ‘Article’ section of the website.

  • Does Your Therapy Work For Everyone?

    It absolutely has the potential to if the client in question allows it in. If you need to ingest food to stay alive, if you need energy to carry out tasks, if you need to be able to think clearly, enjoy your food & body, attend social occasions, function as a human being and enjoy living your life to the fullest extent and believe that you are capable of reaching this, then this is for you.

    In fact you were born with the ability to eat the way you want to - you have inside of you right now an innate knowing of when you are hungry and when enough is enough, but over time and as adults we can lose connection with it. For babies, it doesn’t matter if it was 1am or 4pm - they don’t feel guilty for demanding their birthright of being nourished when they’re hungry and pushing food away when they’re full. Something happened to you that made you think you needed to start dieting and restricting when you don’t need to.

  • Can You Help Stop Binge Eating?

    Yes! This is what I specialise in and have a complete tried and tested industry approved framework that is almost guaranteed to affect change as long as the client is fully involved in their recovery .

    The framework and mode of therapy I use is unique as it bypasses the critical factor that perpetuates disordered eating to uncover the root cause before implementing practical tools that can affect change immediately.

    If you are not able to give up control as and when you need to for your well-being, then you are not really in control in the first place; you are being controlled by control. I work with flexible guidelines that cannot be “broken” as such, but instead encourage harmonious balance between mind and body without seeing food as a big ‘DO NOT PUSH’ red button.

  • Would I Have to Follow an Exercise Plan?

    No, I do not enforce intense physical exercise regimes. If my clients enjoy this level of exercise and feel it benefits them, then they are at liberty to do so but it is not a requisite.

    Instead I encourage people to enjoy gentle movement to whatever degree they feel is physically, emotionally and mentally beneficial to them. This may for example involve a nice walk, yoga, swimming, playing in the garden with your children, dancing in your kitchen etc… the main question is what do YOU enjoy and what supports YOUR unique body?

  • Can I Have Therapy If I Have an Eating Disorder?

    I am trained to work with people who currently have or have previously experienced disordered eating patterns, Bulimia or Binge-Eating Disorder.

    Unfortunately I do not work with people who have Anorexia. If you have Anorexia it is paramount that you have a multi-disciplinary team around you including your medical Doctor, a psychologist or psychiatrist and a specialist dietician or nutritional therapist.

    If you have been clinically diagnosed with Bulimia or Binge Eating Disorder, then you may benefit from consulting with your Dr. first before seeking therapy. It may also be highly beneficial for you to work with a registered dietician in conjunction with having therapy. I would recommend seeking a dietician that works alongside the HAES (Health At Every Size) and principles specifically.

  • I'm Not Quite Ready for Therapy, How Do I Start The Process On My Own?

    Great Question! Click the link below for more information:

    Where To Start

  • How Much Do Your Programmes Cost?

    I have several affordable programmes to provide the appropriate levels of care for each specific client.

    Click here for more information and prices for Rapid Transformational Therapy®

    Click here for more information and prices for the Eating Freely™ programme

  • Do You Work With Men?

    Absolutely! Although most of my clientele are women or female presenting people, I work with all people who suffer from disordered eating issues regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or how they identify.

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